Friday, July 16, 2010

Read More

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them."
~Mark Twain

Curiosity and lifelong learning are hallmarks of successful people in all walks of life, ages, industries, and cultures. Reading good books is a proven way to keep your mind sharp and to grow your abilities and potential. Fiction, non-fiction, serious and humorous subjects... anything goes. In a world with significant illiterate populations, high drop-out rates in our schools, and a critical worldwide need for skilled knowledge workers, cultivating a love of reading is a responsibility we all have. What are you reading?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vacation Checklist for Your Petsitter

It's summer and that probably means you're planning on heading out of town on vacation. If you're anything like myself, you can't stand the thought of leaving your four legged babies in a kennel. I always rely on a pet sitter to watch the house and take care of the pets while I'm out of town. However, I usually forget something, like extra dog treats or a new box of kitty litter. Here's a checklist to help you get ready:

~Make sure that the sitter has the proper keys and remember to leave her with all the information about your security system, including all codes. You can change the codes when you return.
~Show the sitter where the circuit breakers are and how to turn off the gas and water supply to the house in case of an emergency.
~Type out your itinerary and all of your contact information, including your cell phone number and the numbers to the hotels or homes where you will be staying.
~Leave the sitter with the name and phone number of your pets’ regular veterinarian, as well as the name and number of an after-hours emergency veterinary clinic.
~Write down the names and dosage information for all of your pets’ medications and show the sitter how to administer them.
~Let the sitter know how many times to visit and set expectations for each visit. Be sure that you are both clear about feeding, walking, and playtime schedules.
~Leave all food and medication in clear view and label it clearly.
~Leave cleaning supplies in clear view, including an enzymatic deodorizer and paper towels.
~Make sure that the sitter has a partner or a backup plan in case she can’t complete the duties. Also, make sure that you have a friend or relative that can watch your pet in case of an extreme emergency. If possible, introduce the sitter to this person before you leave, and make sure to leave all contact information with the sitter.
~Let the sitter know about the areas of your home where pets are allowed or not allowed. Close off any areas of the house where you don’t want your pets or the sitter to be.

For safety's sake, lock up all valuables—don’t tell the sitter where they are, of course! If you choose to hire a professional sitter, make sure that the company is bonded in case there’s a problem or loss of personal property. To be nice, buy the sitter some beverages and snacks, so she can nosh while she’s playing with your pets—this might actually keep her there longer, and will certainly put you and your pets at the top of her list of favorites.

Courtesy of HomeAgain