Thursday, May 28, 2009

Take Time to Smell the Roses

My husband and I lead a very busy life and I have found that I lose track of the days as they speed by at 200 MPH. We have been wanting to get out of town for a few days but our current work load isn't accommodating that little pipe dream. Soooo, this last holiday weekend we hunkered down at home. Our computer was on the fritz so there was no email to answer. We let our anwering machine screen our calls and we let our cell phones go to voice mail.
We enjoyed two days together putzing around the yard, sharing home-cooked meals instead of take out, watching the Indy 500 and sleeping in. We spent countless hours watching Bella play in the pool and chase her toys. All in all, we had a wonderful staycation.

I have come to the realization over the last couple of months that it becomes easy to take the good things in life for granted: a wonderful, loving husband, a great dog, a beautiful home, a happy family. As we have witnessed on the evening news over and over and over, these things can disappear in the blink of an eye. I have made a pact with myself to take a few moments everyday and "smell the roses".

We all have "roses" in our life. Your roses could be a loving spouse or partner, a supportive family, good health, a stable job, etc. Don't let yourself get so caught up in the thorns of your daily grind that you ignore the beauty and fragrance of the blooms that surround you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great words Billie!
    My back was telling me that we did more than just "putzing around" the yard last weekend. The Indy was recorded and reviewed late in the day AFTER weed-eating for hours. It would have been nice to take the time to watch Helio win in "real time" however that was just not in the cards.
