Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thoughts From A Dumped Dog

One week ago today my life was a mess. I don't remember all that happened but I must have done something really bad because my old masters abandoned me. I thought we were just going for a car ride. The next thing I knew I was alone in a strange neighborhood and my masters were nowhere in sight. I ran and ran for a long time trying to find them but they had disappeared. I got so hot and tired that I finally just lay down to take a nap. It never occurred to me that my napping spot was in the middle of the road. After all, I'm just a puppy, barely 3 months old (I think).
Anyway, I was laying there contemplating my next move when this nice lady pulled over in her car. When she got out and started talking to me I was really scared of her. I even barked and growled. But there was something so good about the way her voice sounded and the way she smelled that I finally crept up to her. I was so nervous that I lost control of my bladder. She didn't care. She picked me up off of the road and put me in her car. Her car was nice and cool and she kept using that soft voice and rubbing my ears. I settled right down.
We went to a lot of houses that morning but no one knew who I was. We visited the local veterinarian offices but they didn't know who I was either. She had to go to work so I got to meet a lot of really nice people. They even let me take a nap right there in the lobby.
Finally, the nice lady put me back in the car and said we were going to her house. On the way I got really sick to my tummy and vomited all over the nice lady's car. I thought she would really be mad but she just lifted me onto her lap and told me it was OK. When we got to her house I saw this big white dog in the yard. She was pretty scary at first but after a few minutes we made friends and started playing together. The nice lady told me her name was Bella. I got to play with Bella all day. I had so much fun!!
That evening I met the nice ladies husband. He patted my head and gave me dog cookies. I got my own bowl of food. When it was bedtime the nice lady and man brought me inside and let me sleep on a big, soft bed on the floor with Bella. I felt so safe and was so tired that I went right to sleep and never even felt like crying.
The next day the man and lady were very happy with me for not crying and not making any messes in the house. They let me play in the yard with Bella again while they went to work.
On Saturday they both stayed home with Bella and I and played in the yard with us. I was really getting attached to them.
On Sunday they were sitting by the pool together watching Bella and I run around the yard. They were having a really serious conversation, although I couldn't understand the words. I went over to the lady and looked into her eyes. She looked down at me, put her arm around my little body, pulled me close and said "Welcome home".
Now, the nice lady and man are my new mom and dad and Bella is my new big sister. I have a new collar (well, a hand-me-down from Bella, but it's new to me!!), have had my first shots and toe nail trim at Oakhurst Vet...even had my first real bath.
Mom says we have to work on the carsick thing. She also keeps telling me that I'm having my romeo parts removed. I don't know what that means but I guess I'll find out.
I really wish I could remember what bad thing I did so I could warn other animals not to do the same thing. It's really scary to be abandoned. I was lucky that my new mom found me. I know that other animals don't always end up with great people like I did.
To all of the Masters who read this, please don't dump your animals. If you can't take care of them anymore take them to a shelter or call the SPCA or Sierra Cares for help.

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